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Agriculture Education for Adults Livelihoods
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BUILD REFUGEES HOPE (BRH) is a refugee-led organization, which was founded in 2019 by refugees themselves, the idea to start BRH emerged from one of its members who approached other members of the community, to help him refine and respond to recognized challenges within the community, in March 2022 the vision holder re-engaged members to come and keep the vision together. in June 2022, the BRH launched the first assessment activity for youths, so that advocacy can begin with clear evidence. members traversed across the facility interacting and engaging with refugee communities and refugee leaders, and the purpose of this interaction was to understand the key challenges impacting the refugee community. During this initial engagement with various stakeholders, it was recognized that the main factor affecting the refugee community was the number of school dropouts and early pregnancies, and this was linked to the large number of single mothers who were unable to raise and care for their children due to lack of income generation. These dropout children started engaging themselves in drugs and alcohol which was negatively impacting their neighborhood, leading young girls in sexual activities. To respond to the above challenges, BRH has opened a recreation space for dropout children to provide different vocational training services such as life-skills activities (Tailoring) and livelihood activities (growing mushrooms and vegetable training) through self-reliance and resilience training.

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