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Teenagers Center for Awakening CBO

A Refugee Led Community Based Organization, Teenagers Center for Awakening engages in serving teenagers solving different and many problems have in their everyday life. We operate from Kakuma refugee camp, Turkana West, Kenya. Teenagers specially in Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobayei settlement have many problems. For example many teenagers have very important skills but do not have opportunities to develop them. A number of teenagers do not get teachings about how they should organize themselves and socially well behave. Also, most of teenagers in the area do not have places, teachers, and materials for computing courses and trainings. Despite the implementation of computer teaching programs by some other Non Governmental Organizations and Community Based Organizations, the number of teenagers who are in need of doing computer courses is still small. Moreover, many teenagers do not get livehoods. That prevent the teenagers from facing hardship effectively. It also impact negatively their way of learning and thinking. Furthermore, some teenagers in Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobayei settlement do not have clothes. Things worsen for teenager girls and mothers. Most of the teenagers girls and mothers do not get hygiene tools since they are necessary for them. Those are some of the reasons for creating Teenagers Center for Awakening and we are working hard to get effective solutions to them. Competent and skilled teachers, good collaboration and relationship between Teenagers Center for Awakening and the community members are great assets to achieve goals. More than ninety teenagers, females and males from different nationalities are TCA clients. We are preparing for a better future.We equip teenagers with knowledge that will, not only make them changemakers, also God fearing persons in the years to come. We want to change the way teenagers in Kakuma think. We need teenagers who are more skilled,guided,empowered.

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Collective Change

Support RLOs leading change in their communities
Sudan Campaign

On the 15th April 2023, violence broke out in Sudan’s capital Khartoum between the country’s army and a paramilitary group called the Rapid Support Forces. One year on, and the situation has continued to escalate across the country including the Darfur region, causing unprecedented levels of displacement across the region. A reported 5.9 million people have been internally displaced and over 1.4 million refugees have fled to neighbouring countries including South Sudan, Chad, Kenya and Uganda. Over half the population - 25 million people - are in need of humanitarian assistance, and 17.7 million are facing severe food insecurity. Refugee leaders and organisations are playing a critical role in supporting their communities as the situation continues to unfold across the country. These groups are particularly vulnerable and need support urgently. We have partnered with a number of refugee-led organisations who are working on the ground to help people fleeing the violence, including I CAN SOUTH SUDAN, and Hope Relief and Rehabilitation for Disabilities Support (HRRDS) who are providing emergency support when it’s needed most. I CAN SOUTH SUDAN, an organisation based in South Sudan and Uganda, have been working in Gorom Refugee Camp on the outskirts of Juba. They have been providing clothes, food, water, shelter and other basic needs at reception centers which are being set up to receive new arrivals. They are developing a programme of activities and creating safe spaces for children within the camp. Beyond meeting people’s immediate needs, they will offering legal support and child protection services to those in need. HRRDS are supporting displaced people in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan, providing food items, blankets, tents & dignity kits for the women and young girls who have been displaced to that region.  Your money will help these organisations provide safety and important supplies to those in need.   DONATE TODAY    

Raised: £ 35,794

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Basic Education

Five refugee-led organisations (RLOs) are transforming their communities by delivering formal education initiatives to refugee children. The schools run by the RLOs, are providing over 2,071 children with unique and quality education opportunities that can help them build better futures. At a global level, UNHCR estimate that half of the 3.5 million refugee children of primary school age do not go to school. This can have severe developmental and psychosocial impact on these young people on top of their experiences of being forcibly displaced. Formal education systems in refugee-hosting countries often cannot meet the demands, as well as there being multiple barriers for refugees enrolling in schools. RLOs are playing a vital role in closing these gaps, however their expertise in delivering formal education is not always formally recognised. Refugee-led organisations are working to ensure that the next generation of children can build better futures for themselves. They want to build more classrooms, ensure teachers are trained properly, and ensure that children can access learning in safe spaces that nurture and protect them. These organisations are coming together despite these challenges to serve their communities meaningfully. Find out more about the progress they’ve made below and read their stories of collective change. The more support they receive, the more they will be able to improve the quality of the learning experience and enroll more children in their schools. Be part of the change and donate today.

Raised: £ 34,169

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Jul 17, 2024

By testadmin

P4T Students meet the ECW Student Project team from CIYOTA In the heart of Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, the dream of continuous education was slipping away for many children. Year after year, we watched with frustration and helplessness as our primary school graduates faced an insurmountable barrier: the lack of accessible secondary school. With most secondary schools located 100 kilometers away (in Hoima Town) and financial constraints rendering this option unfeasible, many of our promising young minds were left with no choice but to abandon their educational pursuits.   The consequences of this educational void were devastating. The absence of secondary education opportunities led to a surge in dropout rates, resulting in child marriages, drug and alcohol abuse, unemployment, prostitution, poverty, and general hardship. These outcomes not only shattered individual dreams but also perpetuated a cycle of poverty and vulnerability within the community. Determined to change this narrative, we made the bold decision to start a secondary school within the settlement. However, the path to this vision was fraught with challenges. With no funding for staff salaries, teaching materials, or proper infrastructure, we had to think creatively and act decisively. As Planning for Tomorrow Youth Organisation (P4T), a Refugee Led Organisation in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, we are committed to providing holistic education in Pre-Primary, Primary, and Secondary schools. Currently, our 45 dedicated staff members educate 826 refugee children, including 115 students in the Secondary School. P4T Secondary School is the third Secondary School in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement. However, with over 15 feeder primary schools, access to secondary education remains severely limited. P4T Students take a group photo with visitors from School for Life   In an effort to provide an aspect of secondary education, we partitioned our martial arts training room into makeshift classrooms. This temporary solution allowed us to start with two secondary school classes, but the conditions were far from ideal. The lack of proper teaching and learning materials, coupled with the absence of dedicated spaces, made the task incredibly daunting. Our dedicated teachers, despite their meager or non-existent salaries, persevered with a shared commitment to the children’s future. We owe a great deal of gratitude to our supporters. The Altenburg Foundation has been instrumental in building our first classroom block, and School for Life Australia (SFLA) has supported us with salaries and further infrastructural developments at the school. Their contributions have been vital in sustaining our mission. However, significant gaps remain. We need to establish a science laboratory equipped with necessary instruments and supplies, and a computer lab with computers and accessories. Staff housing is another critical need to ensure our teachers have stable living conditions. Additionally, we aim to implement Project-Based Learning (PBL) more effectively, which requires specific supplies and trained professionals. Continuous professional development for our teachers is crucial to maintain high educational standards. Furthermore, a school clinic to provide medical services for children and staff, and resources to set up a playground, for which we have the land, are essential to create a comprehensive and supportive learning environment.   Financial constraints also impact our students directly. Even with the low cost of Community Contributions (USD 30 per month) to cover running costs and the school feeding program, many children still cannot afford to attend school without a scholarship. Currently, only 15 students have scholarships, and 25 students benefit from free education through our academic and needy scheme bursaries. To alleviate this burden, we urgently need more scholarships to support these vulnerable children. Despite the immense difficulties, our fledgling secondary school stands as a beacon of hope. It represents the collective determination of a community that refuses to give up on its children. With continued effort and support, we aim to transform these makeshift classrooms into a sustainable and thriving educational environment, ensuring that every child in Kyangwali has the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed. Call to Action: Our journey is just beginning, and we invite you to join us in this transformative endeavor. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of these children. By contributing to our cause, you can help build a future where every child’s right to education is not just a dream, but a reality.   Donate Today: Your contributions can help us build proper classrooms, equip science and computer labs, provide scholarships, and ensure continuous professional development for our teachers. Become a Partner: If you represent an organization, consider partnering with us to support our mission. Together, we can create a lasting impact on the lives of refugee children Spread the Word: Share our story with your network. The more people know about our cause, the greater our chances of finding the support we need. Join us in our mission to provide all-in-one education for refugee children in Kyangwali. Together, we can overcome these challenges and build innovative leaders and change makers. 

Jul 5, 2024

By testadmin

Children with Special Needs: Addressing Barriers to Education By YIDA Youth Initiative.   Children with special needs are often overlooked, which limits their access to education. They face persistent barriers stemming from discrimination, stigma, and an inability to participate fully in society. These challenges sometimes prevent children with special needs from attending school regularly, and some even drop out.   At YIDA Youth Initiative, we recognize the unique value of all children and focus on creating highly tailored learning environments that meet the diverse needs of all learners, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.   In our schools, Youth Initiative Kindergarten and Youth Initiative Primary School, we have various interventions designed to meet the unique learning needs of children with special needs. These interventions include building accessible infrastructure, such as classrooms and toilets with ramps, making them easily accessible to children with physical disabilities. Additionally, we collaborate with other organizations operating in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement, such as Finn Church Aid and Alight, by referring some cases of children with special needs to ensure they receive the full support required.   Notably, our teachers are continuously supported with professional development programs to ensure that teaching strategies are both inclusive and impactful, catering to each learner's unique style. Through the child-friendly space at our Early Childhood Development Center, Youth Initiative Kindergarten provides a safe environment for our students and those from the community to participate in supervised, structured play activities. This has promoted social skills and reduced cases of discrimination and isolation among children with special needs. Our school leaders and teachers have established open communication with parents of children with special needs through weekly community visits, helping them better understand these children's strengths and weaknesses.   Despite our efforts to support children with special needs in accessing education, we face several challenges. Among these are the lack of trained special needs teachers, long distances to school where transport is still an obstacle, and inadequate instructional and play materials, which limit the active engagement of children with special needs.   To ensure the sustainability of our efforts and that children with special needs remain in school, we have partnered with various organizations, such as ADRA, which offers scholarships to some of these children. Class teacher of grade one class giving individual support to Salima Kyalikunda , a child with epilepsy and muscular dystrophy.   At YIDA Youth Initiative, we are committed to breaking down barriers and providing every child with the opportunity to learn and thrive. However, we cannot do it alone. Your support is crucial in helping us create inclusive and accessible educational environments for children with special needs. By donating to our cause, you can make a significant difference in the lives of these children, enabling them to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.   Join us in our mission to ensure that no child is left behind. Donate today and help us build a brighter future for all children.   >>> Please Donate <<<  


About Reframe

We want to Reframe the global humanitarian system and are committed to do things differently. We want to build a community of refugee leaders who are ready to respond to the world's biggest crises by leading change and delivering their own solutions.

What We Do

Reframe aims to be a solution to multiple challenges refugee-led organisations (RLOs) worldwide are facing.

Through Reframe we want to increase direct funding, raise awareness, build networks and strengthen coordination between RLOs, International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), donors and institutional bodies.

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