Fountain of Hope Africa

Turning the Tide in Dzaleka Refugee Camp: A 24/7 Water Relief Journey of Hope from 2020 to present we deliver clean water to over 1000 households and 9 community schools . Imagine living in a community where accessing clean water is a daily struggle. For the people of Dzaleka Refugee Camp, this was a harsh reality. Long lines at the boreholes and scarce resources made obtaining water a constant challenge, affecting school attendance, small businesses, the health and well-being of countless families. Recognizing the urgent need for a solution, Fountain of Hope sprang into action during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 to contribute saving refugee lives. We envisioned a world where clean water was accessible to all, and our determination led us to create the water truck initiative. By delivering pure, life-sustaining water directly to the doorsteps of families in need, we've witnessed the incredible transformation that access to clean water can bring. However, our work is far from over. While our water truck has made a tremendous impact, the need in Dzaleka remains great. With your support, we can expand our reach and ensure no one is left behind in the fight for clean water.

05:32 pm ยท Jun 21, 2024