Tomorrow Vijana is delighted to share with you the inspiring journey of our sports clinic phase 2, an initiative that wonderfully interweaves physical activity and mental health. Our sports clinic is much more than just a series of games; it is a testament to the power of community, care and mental well-being. Our journey began with a series of training sessions designed to highlight the importance of caring for each other, mental health and peaceful coexistence. During these sessions, participants learned not only the skills required for the sports we play, but also the values ​​of empathy, support and mutual respect. We emphasized that every interaction, every encouragement, and every act of kindness contributes to the mental well-being of the community. moving from practice to daily games, the true spirit of our clinic began to shine through. Each match became an opportunity to put lessons learned into practice. We saw players cheering each other on, offering support during tough times, and celebrating every success, no matter how small. This environment of positivity and encouragement has become the cornerstone of our mental clinic. Through these activities, we have witnessed the profound impact of sport on mental health. Physical exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety, while we feel the mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together and promote community emotional resilience. Our participants reported feeling more connected, more supported, and more capable of handling psychosocial related issue. What has been most heartening is seeing everyone embrace the activity with enthusiasm and joy. Daily matches are not just a test of physical power, but a celebration of our collective mental responses. Every match reminds us that we are in this together and that we can achieve great moments. our sports clinic is shining through example of how physical activity and mental health go hand in hand. By prioritizing care, support, and community, we are creating a space where everyone can thrive, both physically and mentally. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of our partners. I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all our sponsors, organizers, and volunteers who have dedicated their time, resources, and energy to make this sports clinic a success. our commitment to promoting mental health through sports is truly inspiring, and we are deeply grateful for your partnership.