The Story of Stephen Bida A Local Actor Stephen Bida, is a director of women Action for Rural Development Initiative commonly known as WARDI Uganda a refugee led organization, Stephen is a south Sudanese refugee living in Imvepi refugee settlement in Uganda when Stephen Bida learned that children in his community were no longer attending ECD centers due to lack of funding, he knew he had to act. The centers, once supported by an international NGO, but due to funding gaps the center had been abandoned when the funding dried up, leaving young children without access to critical early learning opportunities. Undeterred, Stephen sprang into action. He began mobilizing the community, going door-to-doo, public gathering to spread awareness about the importance of ECD and the consequences of leaving children behind. His message resonated - parents and caregivers were eager to support the centers, but many felt powerless to do so on their own. Stephen's solution was to organize the community into a collective effort. He encouraged families to contribute whatever they could afford - whether money, time, or supplies - to revive the ECD centers. The response was overwhelming. Neighbors banded together, pooling their resources to pay caregivers, repair facilities, and stock classrooms with learning materials. As the community-supported ECD centers sprang back to life, the impact was immediate and profound. Children who had fallen behind academically began to thrive, catching up quickly thanks to the nurturing, stimulating environment. Parents reported that their children were more confident, curious, and eager to learn. "Before the ECD center reopened, my child was always at home, not learning anything," said Monica Bako. "Now he comes back full of energy, singing songs and telling me all the new things he discovered that day. I'm so grateful to have this opportunity for him." Stephen's has demonstrates the power of community-led initiatives to fill critical gaps in early childhood development. By mobilizing families to contribute what they can, the ECD centers are able to operate sustainably, without relying on unpredictable external funding. So Stephen Bida is calling your support, Stephen's model can be replicated in refugee communities around the world, ensuring that no child is left behind. Your donation today can help provide young children in Imvepi refugee settlement in Uganda with the strong foundation they need to succeed in school and in life, even in the face of adversity.

09:03 am ยท Jun 29, 2024