SUCCESS STORY. Rachel mara is a youth, age=25 years old female from Lira district Uganda, who is a resident of Ocea A village, Ocea zone, Rhino refugee settlement Uganda. Rachel enrolled for technical training Community Empowerment Network -cenet for Liquid and Bar Soap production skills, coupled with Enterprenuership skills. Early April 2024. Rachel started learning how to make liquid and Bar soap. Hence, now she is more expert in production of liquid and bar soap. Not only that, she applied the Enterprenuership skills gained from the training. Today 23/5/2024 #Our Executive Director visited Rachel at her business place in "Ocea trading Market" where Rachel sits and sells her products of Liquid and Bar soap in the market. According to Rachel she sells 45000 Uganda shillings daily from the liquid and Bar soap products following the market demand of her products. Since she sells with affordable price to the Vulnerable refugees and hosting Communities in Ocea trading center. Rachel aims higher to scale-Up production of liquid and bar soap in Ocea due to readiness of market. In five months to come my plan is to produce these products in Bulk/ surplus said Rachel. These Technical skills are paramount for the #Youths Because it promotes creativity Self-reliance. Therefore, we call upon all Refugee and hosting Communities youths in Ocea zone and Rhino plus West Nile at large to grab these skills which are helpful. And we call upon partners, donors, friends and well-wishers to extend support to aid us reach/ train untrained youths. Reach us on Email: For more discussion.