At Kalobeyei Initiative for Better Life (K4BLI), we are steadfast in our commitment to equipping refugee and host communities with the skills they need to thrive in today’s technology-driven world. As part of this mission, we are proud to introduce our new digital literacy program for Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Education in Emergencies (EiE) students at Light Academy. This initiative is a pivotal element in our efforts to provide scalable skills that lead to decent work and sustainable community development.
In an increasingly digital age, early exposure to technology is crucial for developing the competenciesneeded to succeed in modern life. This is particularlyimportant in the Education in Emergencies (EiE)context, where children from refugee and host communities often face significant challenges in accessingquality education. Literacy and numeracy remaincritical gaps in these communities, exacerbated byinadequate educational infrastructure, a shortage ofqualified teachers, and the unregulated movement ofpopulations.
Recognizing these challenges, K4BLI has launched a digital literacy program aimed at enhancing both literacy and numeracy for these vulnerable students. By integrating digital learning into the curriculum, we aim to address these educational gaps and provide a sustainable solution that empowers young learners to overcome the obstacles they face.
The digital literacy curriculum at Light Academy covers essential topics, including basic computer skills, internet safety, and an introduction to educational software. Designed to be interactive, the program engages students through hands-on learning experiences that foster curiosity and confidence in using technology. By starting digital education at an early age, we are laying the groundwork for lifelong learning and adaptability in a rapidly evolving world.
The response to the program has been overwhelmingly positive, with students showing significant progress in their digital competencies. Teachers have reported increased student engagement and a marked improvement in their ability to navigate digital tools. This initiative aligns with K4BLI’s vision to end dependency through education and empowers the next generation to become active participants in the digital economy.
As we continue to expand and enhance our digital literacy offerings, we are committed to ensuring that all students, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to develop the skills they need for success in the digital age. At K4BLI, we believe that by investing in education, we are building a brighter, more sustainable future for both refugee and host communities.
“This digital literacy program is more than just teaching students how to
use technology; it’s about preparing them for a future where digital skills
are essential. The progress we’ve seen in such a short time is a testament
to the potential of these young minds.”
— Elisha Bengenya, Head Teacher, K4BLI - Light Academy