GEESI Development and Humanitarian Initiative

Child protection program aim to provide preventive and response interventions for children who are victims of, or at risk from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. It involves identifying signs of potential harm. This include responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse, providing support and services to protect children and holding those who have harmed them accountable. Child protection also works to prevent future harm by creating policies and systems that identify and respond to risk before they lead to harm. In order to achieve these goals research suggests that child protection services should be provided in a holistic way, this means taking into account the social, economic, cultural, psychological and environmental factors that can contribute to the risk of harm for individual children and their families. Collaboration across sectors and disciples to create a comprehensive system of support and safety for children is required. It is the responsibility of individuals, organizations and governments to ensure that children are protected from harm and their right respected. This include providing a safe environment for children to grow and develop, protecting them from physical, emotional and sexual abuse and ensuring they have access to education, healthcare and resources to fulfill their basic needs. To commemorate the celebration of the international children’s day we at GEESI development and Humanitarian initiative had activities with children from age 4-14 years in different activities to sharpen their mind and body to be able to think fast and accurately. The activities that was carried include singing, modeling, learning how to read and write, games and dancing competition to improve their self confidence among their counterpart.