Opening Universities for Refugees

Meet the passionate team behind "Leading with Lived Experiences: Refugee Voices Shaping Higher Education's Future"! This project, led by Opening Universities for Refugees (OUR), Student Engagement Task Force (SETF), Connected Learning in Crisis Consortium & Cohere , addresses the gap between refugee needs and university resources. ✨ Amna Shah (Co-Lead): With nearly a decade of youth leadership experience, Amna advocates for newcomer integration, refugee rights and refugee representation in civic engagement. Her dedication to improving access to refugee higher education shines through her role as Director at OUR. - Noura Klieb Galati (Media Coordinator): Bilingual student & social media whiz using her skills for positive social impact. ???? - Richesse Ndiritiro (Admin Coordinator): A graduate & advocate leveraging education to empower marginalized communities. ✊