Youth Education and Sports

After the launch of the project and the selection of successful project participants, activities continued with the first phase of the project which consists of in a workshop that brought the refuge student researchers together with trained facilitators and other external mentors to strengthen the capacity and knowledge of the refugee students in areas of Community Participatory Action Research and its significance in the context of emergency. 14 participants were successfully selected, and on their journey, they are supported by two online and onsite facilitators as the training will be conducted in hybrid. Four review committee members, identified from CLCC member institutions and other education professional institutions with background in education in emergencies and who have implemented higher education programs in a refugee context such as Purdue University, Masinde Mulilo University of Science and Technology, Jesuit Worldwide Learning… are on board to provide support and mentorship to the participants. The training is covering areas organized into 4 Modules that are designed to strengthen capacity of the refugee researchers on key aspects of the Community Based Participatory Action Research and its applicability in the refugee context, the design and methodologies, and research paper writing. It is being conducted for a duration of two months and participants are paired with external professional researchers to help review their progressive work, offering mentorship and opportunities for networking. As shared in our previous updates, the training will conclude in November 2024, and upon completion, the refugee researchers will present their papers in the conference to be held locally in Kakuma as the second phase of this project. At Youth Education and Sports, we are grateful for the continuous support received from Cohere, the community of the CL and the entire community of Kakuma and Kalobeyei at large. We look forward to furthering and expanding collaborations for the success of this project as we commit to empowering our communities.

05:09 am · Oct 15, 2024