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Livelihoods Education Protection
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ADIT FOUNDATION UGANDA is a nonprofit humanitarian and developmental Refugee Led Organization created IN May 2015 in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, operating in Kamwenge District. It has been incorporated in Uganda in 2021 with the objectives of: a. Uniting all members and sensitize them on life/skills development and entrepreneurship. b. Empowering the community against Gender Based Violence (GBV) and human rights, c. Empowering the community to care most on elders and children by providing psychosocial support. d. Empowering poor and vulnerable communities with livelihood skills, Provision of educational support to children and youth from poor economic background amongst others. SECTOR OF ACTIVITIES 1. Livelihood through Entrepreneurship trainings for individuals, youth and women groups, Language Clinic (break language barriers), Tree planting and promote energy saving mechanism by making local stoves and clean energy (solar and biogas) to protect the environment. 2. Child protection and Youth empowerment through the Day care, Transit and Orientation Center for Children (DCTOC) with a virtual and physical library plus The Community Workshop for vocational skills and practices (Electrical Welding, electrical/electronic appliances repair, computer soft and hardware maintenance, solar/electrical wiring , driving, handcraft/toys making, etc. ) 3. Elderly and EVI protection program for psychosocial wellbeing through Home visits and enhance community cultural peaceful coexistence mechanism/dialogue, shelter construction/repair, sanitation and Nutrition. 4. SGBV and tribal conflict prevention and Mitigation for human dignity through Free Discrimination community dialogue and sensitization / case management/ Home visits and referral. 5. ACTIVITIES IMPACT ADIT-FU team members well aware of the tribal conflicts nature recurrent in D.R Congo where most of the refugees originated from, and which for many was one of the cause of seeking asylum, could not sit back as the same, was starting to slaim away the unity and peace existing from the offset when they arrived in Uganda in addition to the tension created by the host community. It is from this back ground that the ADIT Foundation Uganda pioneers (formerly called ADT) pledged to reinforce the peace, unity and promote love between all people for, as different people and for integration purpose. We have to all work together, to mobilize our respective communities to fight tribalism and other type of human discrimination in a nonviolent way; to work closely trusting each other to reinforce peace, social cohesion for the wellbeing of the whole community. As a grassroots organization, ADIT-FU with the voluntary work of his members by loving this social enterprise has impacted a lot in the communities, through the home to home visits for counselling and referrals as solutions. Even volunteer members says they are gaining hope and belonging to the community than it was before. “Money cannot answer all our needs all the time” they say. We need to give back to our community which we belong to. The uniqueness of our intervention up to date is the community outreach strategy which allow us to have a big number of volunteers willing to serve by love of the enterprise in the community and which needs more sessions of capacity building. - In the peaceful coexistence between refugees and the host community, and refugee integration sector mostly because of cultural believes, there is some improvement where you find that the majority of people can interact because of the language clinic activity/initiatives where refugees have been learning Ugandan languages and the host community members learning Congolese language, even humanitarian staffs from INGO have been attending these classes. The impact is seen through many cases among which things like intermarriages we could not believe in 2013-2014 in Rwamwanja is happening these days. - With ADIT-FU Child protection related intervention, street children and school dropout had reduced sensibly before 2020 through the Daycare, Transit and Orientation Center for Children (DCTOC), - ADIT-FU as elderly and EVI (extremely vulnerable individuals) protection is concerned, we have provided psychosocial services to 85 individuals not because we have a lot to give to them but reaching timely out them, give them time to discuss in their local languages on their own and community challenges and try as much as possible work on some of them like their shelters, sanitation, supplementary food (backyard vegetable garden) issues, some of these are done with in ADIT-FU means directly or by referral and advocacy through other partner agencies having funding or resources like in partnership with OXFAM/UNHCR, 140 Households have been identified in Base Camp, Nkoma and Mahani zones from July to November 2021 for model latrine construction to improve hygiene in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement during the second wave of Covid-19. Refugees and nationals or different people with different backgrounds living in same geographic area to live and act together in an improved environment for resilience and self-reliance. ADIT-FU is composed and characterized by diversity including members of the most vulnerable group of the community (albinos, indigenous people, people with disability, different tribes, etc.), Refugees and Nationals members working together for Integration and Peaceful Coexistence for the wellbeing of their respective communities. ADIT-FU runs its activities within Rwamwanja Settlement and the neighboring host community using local teams members based in the zones and villages and whose aim is to get timely information on the COVID-19 pandemic spread and prevention measures and provide first aid to the affected people or environment before referral in case. ADIT-FU vision: United to empower the community with love in a peaceful coexistence environment for their wellbeing. Our scale up vision as one of our principles says that “We get our strength from our differences” is based on networking and cooperation using our core values and for that we are contributing to the general goal of a peaceful living world where every human being can feel safe in an improved environment (have free discrimination community); and the reason why we are joining different networks (at local, national, regional and international level ) for us to get ways of feeding the community in need as a humanitarian community based organization: like RRLON, CBO-Alliance, BORA TOGETHER, REFRAME NETWORK. As you can see (picture gallery attached) with the resources we are mobilizing as members of this very community, we are trying to move forward slowly and serve as much as we can. The sources of income which allow us to have this impact as you can see on the different pictures are: first the enough space/land allocated to ADIT-FU by the government authority, the members contributions, small donation and local fundraising, short contracts from International NGOs as Implementing and Operating partners in the Refugee Settlement and the Host community of Rwamwanja. As time goes, the numbers of members increasing and empowered will allow the organization to scale, adding on fundraising and the funding agencies as the one you (reading this profile), can link us to, we believe. For now, we are doing GBV case management and referral, community sensitization through village leaders awareness, psychosocial case follow-up

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