Ogandaze Africa Foundation
Investing in women is at the core of what we do????
In General, 70% of our entrepreneurs are women and marginalized people.
The role of women plays in combating extreme poverty and unemployment is important!
Women are totally engaged to invest in their children and families, breaking the cycle of extreme poverty for their entire household.
That's why our mission and model equip rural and refugee women and marginalized people with training, business mentorship and coaching to become business owners.
Our entrepreneurs are enrolled in #BusinessSavingGroups.
As their income and savings increase, women and marginalized people pay for school frees, medical, construct or improve house for their families.
This action has multiple effects, when a women and marginalized people have opportunities to become business owners and take on leadership roles, everyone benefits in the family, communities and generation to come????
With this spirit, we are seeking for partnerships with international Organizations, agencies, private sectors, sister refugee led organizations to combat together extreme poverty and unemployment in the region