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WHAT IS THE BLESSED TO BLESS PEOPLE ORGANIZATION;- The THE BLESSED TO BLESS PEOPLE ORGANIZATION Carries out adult literacy program to bring socially developed people, Establishing & Construction of Worship centers & supporting waif in villages, To look after Agriculture development & equip them with modern technique of agriculture, how to transform woody waste in fuel briquettes, Tailoring school, Reading scripture in everyday in every house, To organize branches of The New Gospel Societies and obtain assistant from public and Government to serve the Nation through community development project. The THE BLESSED TO BLESS PEOPLE ORGANIZATION has a vision to church planting in unreached area In between rural people, Doing Medical camp among people. Organizing Seminar & Crusade program. Establishing Bible school to make Disciple and Pastor to reach new people. OUR VISION:  Reaching to the unreached with the Good news and planting the Missionary teams in different dry zones.  OUR MISSION:  To expand the kingdom of God through educational programs, literacy projects, planting Missionary Team ,Vocational training and livelihood training ,Children projects ,Bible schools and medical camps. THE OBJECTIVES:- (1) To Start Educational program among youths, Teenagers, charitable work for poor. community library Buildings, Training centers for orphanages, Hostels for School and other works and activities. (2) To uplift poor student by supplying cloths and books in the community and surrounding. (3) To establish, administer, or maintain facilities for general and special medical service to the public. (4) To associate with other registered societies with similar objectives and to undertake and manage any activity. Such a join endeavor with another society would be worked out into an agreement between them. (5) To reach the unreachable people those who landless, homeless, street beggars, bonded laborers, widows includes in rehabilitation program. (6) To bring peace, prosperity and happiness among poor people for there physical health, mental health, social health, financial health and Spiritual health. (7) To facilitate the community in trauma healing. OUR PRESENT Achievement: (1)Evangelism (2)Crusades (3)Missionary Team planting. (4)Literacy program. (5)Medical camp. (6)Sending church planters. (7)Constructing prayer Hall (8) Orphan Hostel  FUTURE PLAN: 1. To develop the local Pastors through training and teaching by the word of God. 2. Bring 1000 people to Christ in two years' time. 3.200 new Missionary Team Points in new villages, 7 years of time. 4. Trained and taught People from different areas different skills, technics, and entrepreneurship in 5 years of time. 5. Start an Orphanage 6. A Community Library and Religious library  WORKING AREA: We are working in Malawi/Dowa-Dzaleka refugee camp

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