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Dzaleka Azimai Union (DAU) svg4446
Community Health Education for Children Human Rights
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Dzaleka Azimai Union “DAU” is a non-profit, non-political and a women Led community based Organization formed since February 23rd, 2015. DAU has been established by a group of refugee women and girls survivors and victims of war and different forms of GBV in their families and communities who face a plethora of challenges emanating from harmful traditional cultural practices and beliefs that give preference to male children, extreme poverty and other hardships, teen marriages and pregnancies, STIs and HIV/AIDS and other sexual reproductive health Rights. On top of these problems, the women and girls also face barriers to education. As victims highly marginalized and refugee ourselves, we created DAU as a palliative solution to tackle all challenges women and girls face in and around the camp, overcome poverty and other hardships, claim their rights, challenge harmful traditional attitudes, behaviors and practices. Therefore DAU is committed to empower women and girls, daring best quality health services (SRHR), to develop effective approaches to claim their rights, overcome poverty and other hardships, challenge discriminatory attitudes; behavior and harmful traditional practices… Mission Empowering women and girls lives, restoring rights, and upholding women's dignity. Vision To build a society in which all kind of women and girls have access to Fundamental rights and opportunities, to decide about their body, future and community life in order to achieve their full Potential for economic development. Focus  Sexual and Reproductive Health and Right ( Family Planning)  Providing accessible high quality medical care  Economic Empowerment and Self-reliance  Gender and Social Inclusion  Right and Justice  Sexual and Gender based violence (SGBV)  Empowering Women’s and Girls’ Education (Proceeding with Transformative education and Digital inclusion for vulnerable single mothers, young women and sex workers)

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