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Humanity Alliance for Rural development svg4446
Livelihoods Education for Adults Education for Children
Annual Operating Budget
Annual Beneficiary Reach
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Humanity Alliance for Rural development (HARD) is a humanitarian refugee led organisation/community Based organisation which aims at working with marginalised sections of the society to promote self reliance and trauma free communities for sustainable development and peaceful co-existence ,we work closely with the government and other NGOs ,so to pursue our goals and exhibits our obligations and objectives HARD is committed to serve its community with impartiality, participation and integrity, besides it started operation in 2020 November 6th and operating in the location of Rhino camp Extension refugee settlement, omugo sub county Terego District-Uganda. The main office is in omugo refugee settlement, omugo village three near Women space. Overall goal of the organisation To promote peace, unity and development in the communities STRATEGY OF THE ORGANISATION Vision To promote self reliant, trauma free community for sustainable development and peaceful co-existence Mission : Engaging community members in livelihood activities to promote peace, independence and resilience CORE VALUES 1. Participation HARD will be participative in community activities and be present at work 2. Integrity : HARD will be open and transparent at work and service delivery to both employees and beneficiaries and no compromise we are truthful and whatever is for community it must be. 3. Transparency and accountability :HARD is transparent to both employees and beneficiaries on services ,actions and accountable for the community, activities and other support stakeholders. 4. Impartiality: HARD Will not work in discriminative, favouritism manners when comes to service delivery to the community or beneficiaries, we equalise opportunities. 5. Safety and dignity: HARD will ensure that there is safety of our beneficiaries and respect for one's rights both employees and beneficiaries. OBJECTIVES  To provide Psychosocial support to the society at large  Adult literacy programs  To render livelihood services to marginalised sections of the community  To offer life skill trainings to adults from 18 to 45years  To ensure health and hygiene promotion in the community ACTIVITIES OF THE RLO  Supporting youths in sports and music, dance and drama activities  Conduction of counselling sessions in the community  Offer adult literacy education to illiterate men and women  Training of community on income generating activities  Offer life skill trainings to adults 18 to 45 years  Conduct community dialogue  Create awareness on planned activities to the community  Offer career guidance to pupils and students in and out school children GENERAL DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS 11.1. In undertaking its duties the CBO shall take the following into account:  the availability of resources;  the need for an equitable allocation of resources to all Community members in the Service Area;  the need to regulate access to the services in an equitable way; the nature, topography, zoning and situation of the Service Area;  the right of the CBO to recommend limitation or discontinuity of provision of services;  the need to ensure that procedures for limiting or discontinuing services provided by the CBO to any Community member within the Service Area are on a fair and equitable basis;  That the CBO may not unreasonably exclude any Community member from access to services provided by the CBO. 11.2 The CBO will have the duties and obligations described below: 11.3. To comply with the bylaws and the trauma cancelling, (education services and psycho social support) of the partner when fulfilling any function related to the provision of trauma cancelling services to the Community. 11.4. To deposit on receipt all money in a suitable account opened in the name of the CBO, with a registered Bank or Building Society, which falls within the definition of a Financial Institution as defined in the Financial Institutions (Investment of Funds) Act 11.5 To ensure that the assets and Funds of the CBO shall be utilised solely in the furtherance of the CBO’s objects. 11.6 To compile budgets for the CBO to be approved at a General Meeting. 11.7 To ensure that no funds are paid or transferred, directly or indirectly to any of the members of the CBO by way of profit distribution. However, the CBO may make payment in good faith to any person (including a member) of reasonable remuneration for services actually rendered to the CBO and reimbursement of actual costs, expenses and commitments reasonably incurred on behalf of the CBO. 11.8 To keep the Community informed about all funds received, on a regular basis and on request for information by the Community. 11.9 To present the annual financial statement of the CBO for the preceding financial year at the Annual General Meeting of the CBO, including the full details of:  All income received;  Any remuneration paid by the CBO to Members and employees of the CBO;  The balance of funds within the CBO at the end of the financial year. 11.10 To submit the annual financial statement and all financial records for an independent review if required by either the Municipality or two thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting. 11.11 To present the annual report of the CBO at the Annual General Meeting of the CBO, including the full details of:  All projects undertaken and related progress;  All services provided to the Community;  Benefits from the projects and/or services.  To keep good records of all operations and activities being carried out with the Funds and to ensure that the records are available for inspection by the Municipality or any member of the Community for a period of at least three (3) years. 11.12 To furnish the Community with information reasonably requested with regard to the progress of projects or provision of services undertaken by the CBO and the general status of the Funds of the CBO. 11.13 To furnish the partner with any information required in terms of the trauma counselling Services Act (education, curricular activities and pyscho social support) or reasonably requested by the partner. 11.14 To survey the needs and determine and address any complaints of the Community from time to time. 11.16 To act on behalf of the Community, as the representative of the Community in any matters related to the provision of services, particularly in terms of relations with the partners and other government departments. 11.17 To plan, manage and maintain work carried out within the context of any project, provided that the Community is consulted in this regard when necessary. 11.18 To ensure that any tenders are competitive, open, fair and equitable to all interested parties. 11.19 Where necessary, to ensure that contractors to who contracts are awarded:  Are insured and remain insured in terms of contractors-all-risk insurance policies;  Provide an acceptable performance guarantee that guarantees the completion of the contract 11.20 To insure and keep insured, at replacement value, the CBO’s interests in any project against any risks as may be necessary. To insure and keep insured, at replacement value, all assets and equipment belonging to the CBO, against risks. 11.21 To ensure that Members of the CBO perform their duties with honesty, care and diligence and disclose any conflict of interest to the other Members.

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