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Education for Children Digital Technology Disability Activism
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Initiative and Advocacy for Orphans Development (I.A.O.D) is a dedicated non-profit organization, established on May 25, 2022, with a focus on empowering orphans, children, and individuals with disabilities. Our commitment lies in advocating for a common dream: to assist the vulnerable by fostering a safe and economically conducive environment for their growth. Targeting orphans, youth, women, girls, and school drop-outs, we address the myriad of challenges that hinder their development, especially in regions where such groups are subject to daily violence and abuse. Our advocacy extends to ensuring equal access to opportunities, irrespective of gender, tribe, or race, while providing essential services for the upliftment of these groups. Our vision is to equip orphans, children, and the vulnerable with knowledge and skills for economic development, altering attitudes towards community participation for their and the community's benefit. Our mission encompasses educating orphans, children, and individuals with disabilities, uniting them for common economic goals, nurturing special needs, enhancing education quality, and identifying talents for future progress. Our programs include entrepreneurship training for orphans and the disabled, educational and livelihood support for children, and leadership training for school drop-outs. We also focus on teaching women and the disabled ethical behaviors for responsible citizenship. Core values such as integrity, honesty, respect, transparency, accountability, and collaboration guide our operations. Currently seeking partners, I.A.O.D invites support to further our vision and mission, emphasizing our core values as our driving force. We are open to volunteers eager to contribute to our cause and progress as a team.

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