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Living in a refugee camp for just several months, is one of the biggest challenges people can face in their life and Nakivale refugee settlement is one of them because it is easier to get traumatized, to loose hope, to grow without formal education, to even die with diseases like malaria and infections. In 2019, some youths living in Nakivale refugee settlement met on a street and started discussing about their life challenges in the camp, and many of them noticed that their friends have been suffering for so long from stress, trauma, hunger, and other different diseases and these situations were similar to many of them. After meeting on the street and discussed, these young people had set a place where children and youths could meet to share stories and life experience within the community. A few weeks ago, people were interested to come regularly in the place to listen to other people’s stories and gain more interest of sharing theirs. Then we saw that as an opportunity of uniting people in our community and we got a vision to make these meetings well organized, involving some community leaders; therefore, in January 25th, 2020, out of these story telling meetings and life experience sharing, we create a community-based Organization under the name of New Talent for the Best Future with a mission of Raising marginalized Children and Youths' Talents through Education, Sport, Art and Social skills.

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