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Pamoja Twaweza svg4446
Disability Activism Advocacy Education
Annual Operating Budget
Annual Beneficiary Reach
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Pamoja Twaweza Community-based Organization, a refugee-led organization is based in Nairobi and was founded in 2021, serving Vulnerable refugee and host community Persons with Disability and youth in three thematic areas; livelihood, mental health, and advocacy. In order to achieve our objectives, Pamoja Twaweza provides training in tailoring, dressmaking, graphic design, and printing. In addition, we run the Pamoja Twaweza Fashion Designs, an income-generating project that offers attachment and job opportunities to our trainees. At Pamoja Twaweza, we embrace Partnerships and have therefore partnered with Optic Learning Space, a host community-owned business enterprise to train our beneficiaries on graphic design and printing also providing attachments on the same. Through partnerships, we also provide mental health awareness and advocate on issues affecting Persons with Disabilities. We believe that disability is not inability and that PWDs are abled differently. They should therefore be given an opportunity to bring out the best of their abilities.

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