Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for Umoja Refugee Group


Total number of monthly donations made to Umoja Refugee Group via Reframe

About Umoja Refugee Group

UMOJA REFUGEE GROUP is a registered, non-profit refugee-led organization (RLO) that is uplifting/changing the lives of the less privileged refugees’ families and vulnerable local hosts in the urban setup, of Nairobi. Our Inspirations: We believe that “refugee issues cannot be sufficiently resolved without including refugees at the decision-making table”. and this is possible through empowering RLOs to implement community projects as the direct impacting stakeholders on the ground. Areas of focus: URC focuses on empowering refugee women, children, elderlies, and differently-abled persons by applying Self-reliance- based programs, and promoting mental health care and education. We also take action in advocacy by promoting, striving to address, and speaking out for equal access to opportunities to better the lives of the most marginalized and less privileged persons. Our goal is to instill in everyone’s mindset to maintain a good practice of self-reliance standards for families ‘sustainability via procreative activities and skills development “ Umoja Refugee’s governance structure includes the following: - A board of management led by a chairperson - Operations team(staff) led by An executive director Women take up to 60% of the roles in management and executive. Our programs and Activities: 1. Mental health: counseling, PFA, SRHR, MHPSS, GBV. theme: “MY MENTAL HEALTH STABILITY IS KEY TO MY SELF-RELIANCE STANDARDS” 2 Livelihoods: a. Skills development: cinematography, digital literacy, &graphic design, tailoring training, English class, handcrafts (sewing, making detergents) b. Talent& Mentorship: filmmaking, media and storytelling, and mentorship activities c. Welfare& social assistance program: i.e.: UFEDSP/ Under Five, Elderlies and Disabled Support Program 3. Advocacy: Participating in advocacy forums, ODF, Refugee Act regulations, and sensitization We do community engagement through advocacy campaigns and awareness.

View Our Reports
To uplift the needy for sustainable self-reliance
Building a self-empowered community through the power of harmony and creative optimism
  1. RefugePoint
  2. HIAS
  3. Organization for Migration (IOM), Pawa254, LawyAfrik
  3. HIAS

RELON -Association (Refugee Led Organizations Network of Kenya), Global Refugee-led Network (GRN)


Contact Email: umojarefugee254@gmail.com

Second Contact Person: Clarence Ilavonga

Secondary Email: jonasn@umojarefugeecreative.org

Additional location: Focus is in Nairobi metropolitan due to limited resources, but we plan to extend our services to other urban areas after gaining capacity.
