
Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for NeedsList


Total number of monthly donations made to NeedsList via Reframe

About NeedsList

WHAT ABOUT NEEDSLIST: At NeedsList, we strive to develop software activities during times of crisis and emergencies, while also assisting populations in need of supplies, services, and information. We work to ensure that the aid response is local, efficient, and fast, guaranteeing that organizations can receive what they need when they need it. OUR IMPACT: We have impacted over 500,000 people in more than 25 countries by delivering $34,000,000 to organizations working on the ground in terms of supplies, information, and services. We have supported over 400 organizations. WHAT IS NEEDSLIST GLOBAL? NeedsList Global is the global implementation of NeedsList, which enables organizations worldwide (starting with Colombia, Peru, Uganda, Kenya, Turkey, and Syria) to access a platform that connects the needs of nonprofit organizations with offers from other organizations, private companies, and governments. Our main goal, with the support of, is to ensure that organizations can access the tool and support their local communities. To Join NeedsList Global: NeedsList Website:

Contact Person: hani bashir

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Second Contact Person: matheus felipe de

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