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Community For Better life svg4446
Livelihoods Climate change Financial Literacy
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Community for better life is a community based organization in Dzaleka Refugee camp Malawi having an aim of implementing theoretical and practical activities that are meaningful at creating a sustainable life for the refugees and the host communities. Mission •Community for better life’s mission is to promote self- reliance among youth and women through equal participation in different trainings that are related to life changing opportunities. •To design and implement life changing Developmental and livelihood programs that alleviate environmental degradation, climate change risks and deepening Poverty to ensure holistic development and transformative change for sustainable future. VISION • To see the young generation and women from the Refugee and the host community discovering their potential and stand on their own to create more spaces for others to learn, practice and create adequate job opportunities for a poverty free community. •To see different communities recovering from anthropogenic activities that are meant to contribute to climate change and environmental degradation. we are based in training the women and the youths in Entrepreneurship and product manufacturing, Digital skills ( Computer skills and Digital Marketing), Language trainings, Menstrual hygiene trainings( information sessions on menstrual hygiene and Re-usable pads making), Youth based Research on their economic and education sector, Environmentally based activities( we organize online and onsite events on climate sessions).

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