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Humanity Hands svg4446
Education Community Health Digital Technology
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Humanity Hands formerly (INVER) is a Refugee-led and oriented Community Based Organization (CBO) established in 2018 by refugees' youths to help in supporting Refugees and Host communities. Humanity Hands organization seeks to change narratives, promote the resilience and psycho-social well-being of refugees in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkana County, Kenya, through programs focusing on Education, Digital Literacy, Enterprise development, Arts, sexual and Reproductive Health Education (SRHE). Humanity Hands organization approach is to change the narrative of both refugees and host community to help them live a life of dignity. As an organization we majorly focus on the Five thematic areas of interventions within the Kakuma Refugee Camp: Education, Digital literacy, Entrepreneurship, Sexual & Reproductive Health (SRH) and Art

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