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RELON-MLW svg4446
Community Finance Human Rights Coordination
Annual Operating Budget
Annual Beneficiary Reach
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RELON-MALAWI is based on three main pillars which are our objectives and from which all our activities derive. 1. Amplify the voices of refugees-led organizations (RLOs). RLOs have brilliant homegrown solutions to challenges experienced by people in their communities, however, they lack the capacity to make their voices heard. RELON-MALAWI amplifies the voice of refugee-led organizations and ensures that they have access to platforms where their ideas can be heard and supported. This process empowers refugees to address problems in their communities in ways that are sustainable, contextual, and people-centered. 2. Providing capacity strengthening to RLOs RELON-MALAWI builds the capacity of its members to enable them to better plan, manage, and implement their projects and activities. We help them improve the quality of the services they provide to refugees and the community hosting them. We also enable them to help strengthen the sustainability of these organizations and allow them to continue to operate even after the funding programs have ended. Finally, we help build donor and partner confidence in these organizations, which can lead to increased funding and resources available for refugees. 3. Providing resources in the form of sub-grants and grants to RLOs We support our members by facilitating the sharing of information about funding opportunities, grants, and calls for applications or expression of interest projects, empowering them to submit successful applications. We actively promote collaboration among our members, encouraging them to jointly propose projects to enhance their chances of securing funding, as exemplified by our previous collaboration on the HCR Innovation call for proposals tenders. Additionally, we organize training sessions and workshops focused on enhancing their capacity to mobilize financial resources. Our efforts extend to arranging Networking Events that connect refugee-led organizations with potential donors, fostering meaningful connections and opportunities. Furthermore, we advocate for partnerships and collaborations between our members and other organizations or institutions with the necessary financial resources to support shared initiatives.

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