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Solidarity Initiative For Refugees svg4446
Education Women Empowerment & Livelihoods Advocacy and Capacity Sharing Program
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Kakuma Refugee Camp, established in 1992, is home to 289,861 refugees and asylum seekers from countries like South Sudan, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo as of June 2024. Women and children make up 76% of the refugee population in Kenya, with over half living below the international poverty line of US$1.90 per day. Limited access to education, skills training, and livelihood opportunities forces many refugees and local youth to rely on aid. Despite efforts to improve employment and business opportunities, refugees still face significant challenges, including limited digital infrastructure, inadequate employment pathways, high illiteracy rates, and restricted financial access. These hurdles exacerbate unemployment, poverty, and social injustices within refugee and host communities. Without addressing these issues, the cycle of poverty and dependency will continue for generations. Solidarity Initiative for Refugees (SIR) is a refugee-led organization established in 2016 in response to the pressing challenges faced by refugees in Kakuma, Turkana County, Kenya. We leverage digital technology to empower refugees and host community youth in Kakuma and Kalobeyei with relevant skills and tools to build a better future for themselves and become economically self-sustained.

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