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Energy Education for Children Climate change
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LIVE IN GREEN (Live in Green Live in Wealth Youth Initiative) is a Refugee-Led Non-Government Organization founded in 2016 with the aim of conserving the environment, promoting food security and education among refugees and host communities. The organization has implemented projects such as agro-forestry through its tree nursery, energy efficiency through improved cook stoves, plastic waste recycling and skills development through vocational and formal education, Climate Smart Agriculture. These programs have promoted an integrated and people-centered approach towards engagement of refugees in eco-friendly activities to protect and conserve the environment. LIVE IN GREEN's Thematic areas include Climate Action, Energy, Livelihoods and Education. Our Programs Include;- 1. Clean Energy: We Implement initiatives that increase access clean energy for refugees and the hosts, hence decreasing reliance on biomass (Fire-wood & Charcoal) 2. Waste Recycling: we recycle biodegradable wastes by carbonizing them to produce briquettes. 3. Climate Action: We provide tree seedling and train the communities on how to plant trees and woodlots. We train on Agro-forestry and encourage farmers to practice afforestation, reforestation and restoration. 4. Sustainable Farming: We provide and train about key principles of organic farming understanding and managing biological processes to regulate balance, flow, and timing of nutrient levels and availability; achieve pest-predator balance; and maintain healthy and productive crops. 5. Education: involves actual administration of schools including hiring and remuneration of teachers at Nursery, primary and Vocational Schools, as well as Infrastructure development, where we acquire classroom blocks, latrines, teachers’ accommodation, libraries and dormitories to improve the conditions of learning for both the learners and the teachers in the schools.

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