Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT NETWORK - CENET


Total number of monthly donations made to COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT NETWORK - CENET via Reframe


VISSION: Everyone on planet earth live in Dignity. MISSION: Uplift lives of refugees and hosting communities through social enterprenuership, creative arts and sports. THEMATIC AREAS 1.1 Create awareness and sensitization on issues affecting the communities Example pandemic outbreak, conflicts prevention, passing message/ mobilization to the community 1.2 Skills development CENET will empower youths in multiple vocational skills example liquid and bar soap making, carpentry and joinery, electronic, ICT, Neating, Agricultural skills among others to promote 1.3 Comunity service provisions Here CENET shall organise community work, reach charity to persons with special needs PSNs (Elderly, orphans, women at risk among categories of vulnerable people) and social places like churches, schools, health and markets. 1.4 Environmental protection/ Climate change adaption (CCA) We continue making advocacy for environment conservation Example by promoting Re-afforestation, Agro-forestation and best practice to ensure environment protection inorder for positive climate change Background of CENET Is a refugee youth led non-profit making community based organization operating in Rhino refugee settlement. It was started in the year 2021 after realising number of gap during the COVID-19 pandemic and when developmental phase was declared in the humanitarian refugee response following the legal framework. Where some of international, regional and national NGOs are quitting the refugee response due to limited funding. Therefore, CENET as Community Based Organization we came to close this gap. As per our stated mission and vision above.

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12:46 pm · Jul 19, 2024

#DISASTER AND RISK EMERGENCY CALL A refugee enterprenuer in Ocea trading center, Rhino Refugee settlement uganda call: Regina Aputu her Shop/ business place catches fire/ got burnt at night 3:00 am 17-july-2024 by unknown person living her in desperate state as all her business items got burnt to ashes. Regina Aputu sells second hand clothes, Bags and diversifies into Tailoring business and making CAPATII at the same time. As a single mother, refugee with children being subjected into these difficulties of losing all she had, is not an easy situation per now. @CENET Volunteer reaches her and provided MHPSS. Regina Aputu Narrated about how she rose the money to start the business. I borrowed money from our Village savings and loan association (VSLA) group, added the little I had and rented a shop within Ocea market. So Regina Aputu is Traumatized/ worried about how she will pay back the loans, Renovate the shop which got burnt, Even providing food for her children. Because what she was hoping/Relaying upon is No more. According to Regina Aputu, she Re-stocked her business items on 15-July-2024 two days before the incident happened. Hence the business inventory worthy= 2,000,000 uganda shillings. I am in need of help said Regina Aputu. Therefore @CENET we call upon partners with Risk response and disaster management strategies, donors, implementing partners, friends and well-wishers to come into Rescue ???? of Regina Aputu. *#ANY SUPPORT COUNT* Cash/ kind .......Share the little you have today..... Email: cenet202@gmail.com or????: +256 (0) 783-647-714

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#Uplift lives of refugee and hosting communities through social enterprenuership, creative arts and sports
#Everyone on planet earth live in Dignity.
  1. UNHCR
  1. Women Refugee Commission WRC-USA

Charter for change, RELON

Network Emails: Cenet202@gmail.com

Contact Person: Ojas ware santino

Contact Email: cenet202@gmail.com

Second Contact Person: Ojas ware

Secondary Email: cenet202@gmail.com

Additional location: Community Empowerment Network (CENET) in Uganda our services are currently in Rhino and Imvepi refugee settlement in West Nile Region Arua City northern Uganda. Secondly, we exist in South sudan basically in Yei and Lainya counties, central equatoria state, south sudan mainly helping people in internal displaced camps and responding to Returnees into there homes.
