Kakuma Social Agri-Ventures

Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for Kakuma Social Agri-Ventures


Total number of monthly donations made to Kakuma Social Agri-Ventures via Reframe

About Kakuma Social Agri-Ventures

Kakuma Social Agri-Ventures (KSAV) is registered UNDER with registration number SCSDO/TRKW/IRG/CBO/BO-42 under the provisions of the Community Group Registration Act, No.30 of 2022. It is located at Kakuma One, Zone 1, Block 12, Kakuma, Kenya. KSAV’s mission is to empower every vulnerable youth with the necessary skills to achieve sustainable socio-economic development. We envision a community where every young person has the tools and resources to turn their creative ideas into reality. KSAV’s main venture is expanding modern farming and food production systems while protecting the natural environment to address food insecurity, malnutrition, and poverty. Over the past years, it has been able to impact more than 900 households within Kakuma One and is extending its services to the nearby communities including Kalobeyei Settlement.

Empower vulnerable youths with creative ideas to succeed.
A community where every vulnerable youth attains livelihood skills for food production and socio- economic development.
  1. Jesuit Refugee Services
  2. Jesuit Worldwide Learning
  3. Creighton University
  4. Vijana Twaweza
  5. Resilience Action International
  6. Global Youth Network
  1. Alliance Center of Technology
  2. Sandbox
  3. Tangaza University

Social Enterprise Kenya, 3 Zero Club

Contact Person: Dominic Amanya Suleiman

Contact Email: aventureskakuma22@gmail.com

Second Contact Person: Ghauzah Hashim Dathivah

Secondary Email: ghauzahdathivah14@gmail.com

Additional location: Turkana West, Kakuma Refugee Camp
