Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for United Safe Environment Creators (USEC)


Total number of monthly donations made to United Safe Environment Creators (USEC) via Reframe

About United Safe Environment Creators (USEC)

United Safe Environment Creators is a non-profit community-based organization run by refugees from diverse backgrounds. Founded in 2015 and legalized in 2016 (Reg. SCSDO/CBO/BO-201, Cert. 38613), we focus on education, child protection, livelihood, and climate change. We partner with the Global Family Reunification Network (FRUN) to reconnect separated families and ensure safe environments for children. Recently, we joined the UNHCR EHAGL R-CBPN to enhance protection and assistance for vulnerable displaced populations.

View Our Reports
Mission: To empower refugees through acces to quality education, livelihood initiatives, child protection, and environmental sustainability to foster a safe and prosperous future for all.
We envision a world where refugees and marginalized groups have access quality education, sustainable livelihoods, and a safe environment to thrive and contribute to society
  1. Balm of Joy Foundation
  2. Voice for Disabled People Association (VDPA)
  1. FTA-Ministry

RELON-KENYA, Kakuma Kalobeyei Refugee-led Initiatives Network (KKRIN), EHAGL UNHCR Regional Community-Based Protection Network (R-CBPN), Global Family Reunification Network (FRUN)

Network Emails: info@relonkenya.or.ke, intercbokakuma@gmail.com, frun@refugepoint.org

Contact Person: Abedi Kabulongo Salvador

Contact Email: useccbo@gmail.com

Second Contact Person: Amuri Robert

Secondary Email: Robertamuri7@gmail.com

Additional location: Kakuma 2 zone 2 block2, Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkana County in Kenya
