Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI)

Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI)


Total number of monthly donations made to Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI) via Reframe

About Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI)

Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI), is a Refugee-Led Community Based Organization founded in Nairobi County, aiming at Creating equal opportunities, rights and representation for women, girls and children in all spheres of life. The Vision, we wish a world in which all women, girls and children are empowered and equal partners in the Society The Mission of WEDI is to Care and Advocate for Support women, Girls and children particularly refugees and those from local communities Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI) achieve its goal under four strategic pillars such as: Education, Health, Gender and Justice as well as Poverty and Sustainability These pillars incorporate under four strategies approaches such as: Advancing women, girls and child's rights and leadership, mobilizing families and communities and establish and implement laws and policies Our core value is respect, love, care, dignity, advocacy, transparency and accountability.

To care, advocate, support and empower refugee and host community women through Education, Livelihood development, Gender and Reproductive health services.
A world in which all women are empowered and equal partners in society.
  1. netzkraft.net

relonkenya.or.ke, lafrikana.or.ke

Network Emails: info@lafrikana.or.ke, info@relonkenya.or.ke

Contact Person: Rebecca Selemani

Contact Email: wedifoundation1@gmail.com

Second Contact Person: Soda Mangaiko Alonda

Secondary Email: rebeccaselemani1@gmail.com
