Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Total funds raised through the platform: £40 from one-time donations and £0 from monthly subscriptions.


Total number of monthly donations made to YIDA Youth Initiative via Reframe

About YIDA Youth Initiative

YIDA Youth Initiative (YIDA) is a refugee-led and youth-led charity NGO that was formed to promote refugees’ sustainable living by providing quality education and financial inclusion mostly youth and children in the Kyaka II refugee Settlement. YIDA provides early childhood education and primary education to refugee children and in the host communities, through the school construction and training of teachers. YIDA also offers soft skill training to entrepreneurial refugees and offers them startup capital in the refugee settlement and host communities to develop businesses, hence employment and job creation.

View Our Reports
We seek to provide quality education that forecasts creating sustainable careers.
Transformed African communities inspired by youth through education
  1. Cohere
  2. Tenacer foundation
  3. African Leadership Academy
  1. Ubongo International
  2. Mastercard foundation

Gratitude Network (Springboard Impact)

Contact Person: James Gihoma Ntakiruti

Contact Email: info@youthinitiativefda.org

Second Contact Person: Juliet Biira

Secondary Email: james@youthinitiativefda.org

Additional location: Kyegegwa District, Kyaka II Refugee Settlement
