Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for Ogandaze Africa Foundation


Total number of monthly donations made to Ogandaze Africa Foundation via Reframe

About Ogandaze Africa Foundation

OAF ,The short Form for Ogandaze Africa Foundation, is a woman and refugee Led Organisation located in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement in Kamwenge District, Uganda. Motto: "Together For Combating Extreme Poverty And Unemployment" Goal: The main goal of OAF is to establish prosperous future for youth women,Girls,men, and marginalized people like those with disabilities which includes Albinos,single Mother's, among anothers(Refugees and Host Community) , This shall be achieved by supporting and creating or improving youth employment initiatives in the region to End Extreme Poverty and Employment amongst Youth. The initiatives shall offer youth particularly Rural and Refugee Woman, Girls, men,Marginalized people opportunities for decent jobs that delivers better prospects for personal developments, which is productive and safe working condition. Since 2022, we have been working to eliminate extreme poverty and unemployment through micro-Enterprise development and growth, business saving groups, agri-business, financial inclusion. ACHIEVEMENT Since 2022 We managed to train 750 interprenuers which includes,Females = 525 Males = 250 Entrepreneurs trained and supported in following topics: 1. Business Saving skills, 2. Financial Inclusion skills, 3.The process of beginning an IGA/Business/ Enterprise selection, 4. Knowledge, skills and time, 5. Market and customers, 6. Icome( profitability of the microenterprises), 7. Source of Income, 8. Households/ BSG contribution Income from groups, 9. IGA/ small business presentations

To prevail challenges facing refugees and rural communities in kamwenge by empowering refugee women,girls, men and marginalized people to become economically independent, strong, self-oriented leaders of change.
We envisage a community forever free of extreme poverty and unemployment. Since 2022, we have been working to eliminate extreme poverty and unemployment through entrepreneurship, business saving groups, agribusiness, financial inclusion.
  1. Bridging Gaps
  2. UNHCR
  3. OPM
  4. Camera for Girls


Contact Email: iragifrancine93@gmail.com

Second Contact Person: Shadadi byemere

Secondary Email: byemereshadadi3@gmail.com

Additional location: South-western region, Kamwenge District, Nkoma katalyeba town Council, Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, Mahane A village.

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