Outreach and Handcrafts Initiators for Development (OHID)

Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for Outreach and Handcrafts Initiators for Development (OHID)


Total number of monthly donations made to Outreach and Handcrafts Initiators for Development (OHID) via Reframe

About Outreach and Handcrafts Initiators for Development (OHID)

Outreach and Handcrafts Initiators for Development (OHID) was founded in 2020 as a "community based organisation" aiming at contributing towards eradication of poverty, scarcity of food, fighting against precarious living condition to Refugees and neighbouring Host communities in rural nooks of Uganda, supporting in development of talents through provision of Education, crafts work and enabling community members to discover their potentialities, Equipping them with lifespan skills and knowledge about crops and animal husbandry as a way responding to basic needs, consumption support and agribusiness development to become self-confident, self-employed, creating a channel of linkages and exposing them to Educations and Employment opportunities, give back to the community to develop and transform people's lives in general. our operating budget: 200 USD Annual beneficiaries target to reach: 100

Latest Updates
Accompanying communities by empowering them to become self-reliant and resilient by fighting precarious living conditions
Having transformed life style of community members with improved life model
  1. None of donors we have gotten

Rwamwanja Refugee Led Organisation Network (RRLON)

Contact Person: Baheza James

Contact Email: ohid.21cbo@gmail.com

Second Contact Person: Nsabimana Emmanuel

Secondary Email: jamesbaheza@gmail.com

Additional location: Outreach and Handcrafts Initiators for Development (OHID) as an organization operates in the Republic of Uganda, Kamwenge District, it. Us based in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, Base camp Zone, Base camp II Village.
