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Education for Adults Agriculture Livelihoods
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Annual Beneficiary Reach
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New hope in Language and Development Association in short “NLDA” is a nonprofit community Based organization established in January 2018 in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement in Kamwenge district in the Republic of Uganda. Its purpose is to enable Adults refugees with barriers to education opportunities to have access to education. Its interventions are carried out in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement and in the host surrounding communities, Kamwenge, Uganda. Despite the shortage of fund and technical capacity, we have succeeded to provide literacy and numeracy courses to around 80 refugees (23 Kaihora, 28 Mahani, 23 Base camp and 18 kyempango) of which 79% are females and 21% are males. It has also managed to reach 6 humanitarian staff with French and 7 staffs with Swahili courses. It owns its success from the higher and active partnership and involvement of the community leaders, existing community structures and our primary stakeholders. The participation of each beneficiary is a crucial element in bringing sustainable solution. Therefore, applying participatory and empowerment approaches is the key to the success of our interventions.

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