GEESI Development and Humanitarian Initiative

Annual Operating Budget

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Raised on Reframe

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Total number of monthly donations made to GEESI Development and Humanitarian Initiative via Reframe

About GEESI Development and Humanitarian Initiative

GEESI Development and Humanitarian Initiative formerly known as Great Step Initiative, it is a non profit Refugees Led Organization to providing help to refugees and host community members in Cross River and Taraba through relief support and sustainable empowerment. Our headquarter is in Adagom 1 Refugee settlement Ogoja Local Government Area Cross River state. Our activities are centered on mental health and psychosocial support, Gender Based Violence, Child Protection and Preventive health ( promotion of sanitation among the refugees and the host communities). To create positive and personal difference in the lives of refugees and host community members. Enabling them to achieve productive sustainable livelihood and empowered to be self sufficient to contribute positively to the society. Ensure poverty alleviation through sustainable empowerment and self reliance in skill acquisition, positive attitude and basic necessities to meet their immediate needs.

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11:08 am · Jan 29, 2025

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer, after breast cancer. As part of GEESI Development and Humanitarian Initiative efforts to promote preventive health services among refugee populations, we implemented a cervical cancer program in various communities in all 3 settlements to create awareness on cervical cancer. We also engaged in talk shows about cervical cancer in preparation to the ceremony in Ukende settlement. Attached is the link of the talk show Cervical cancer is a serious health issue that affects many women worldwide. GEESI Development and Humanitarian Initiative commemorated the day on the 22nd of January 2025. In our different presentations, volunteers defined Cervical Cancer, talked about its causes, risk factors, symptoms, treatment, prevention and mitigating strategies. Under Psycho social, we educated the population on Stigma and its effects as per this particular type of cancer on Individuals and the society at large. Below is a write up of what was presented by GEESI DHI Staff and volunteers; Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells on the cervix (the lower part of the uterus) grow and multiply uncontrollably, forming a tumor. This is usually caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and can be prevented through regular screening and vaccinations. Causes and Risk Factors • Human Papillomavirus (HPV): HPV is the primary cause of cervical cancer. There are over 100 types of HPV, and some high-risk types can lead to cervical cancer. • Weakened immune system: Women with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, are more susceptible to cervical cancer. • Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of cervical cancer. • Family history: Women with a family history of cervical cancer are at higher risk. Symptoms • Abnormal vaginal bleeding: Bleeding between menstrual periods, after sex, or after menopause. • Pelvic pain: Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis. • Unusual vaginal discharge: Thick, foul-smelling discharge. Prevention and Early Detection • HPV vaccine: The HPV vaccine can protect against high-risk HPV types that cause cervical cancer. • Pap test: Regular Pap tests can detect abnormal cell changes before they become cancerous. • Screening guidelines: Follow recommended screening guidelines, such as getting a Pap test every 3 years for women aged 21-29. Treatment Options • Surgery: Surgery to remove the tumor, cervix, or uterus. • Radiation therapy: Radiation to kill cancer cells. • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy to kill cancer cells. Awareness and Action • Get vaccinated: Encourage eligible individuals to get the HPV vaccine. • Get screened: Follow recommended screening guidelines. • Know the risks: Educate yourself and others about cervical cancer risks and prevention. In conclusion, we had a great number of persons in the program; they were really excited and applaud the efforts of GEESI DHI. In total we had a population about condition. Overall, we had approximately 87 participants, with 75 women and 12 men in attendance. The event culminated in a thoughtful question-and-answer session, during which participants were graciously gifted menstrual kits. Furthermore, we offered personalized counseling sessions for individuals seeking additional support.

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09:39 am · Dec 16, 2024

The Director of Geesi Development and Humanitarian Initiative presented a statement on behalf of the UNHCR Advisory Board of organizations led by forcibly displaced and stateless people during the Fourth Quarterly Informal GCR (Global Compact on Refugees)meeting at the International Labour Organization Head Quarters in Geneva Switzerland on the 02/12/2024. He highlighted the importance of collaboration among affected communities and the international organizations, governments, faith Based institutions, INGOs and individuals of good will in achieving our Humanitarian shared goals. This is because RLOs are often the first responders in crisis situations and they enjoy the trust and support of the community. Applauded UNHCR for her pursuit for complimentary pathways towards resettlement and other durable solutions. He stressed the fact that the involvement of refugees is very crucial because they possess unique educational, professional, expertise and lived experiences that can contribute in shaping governments INGOs policies that can actually support the forcibly displaced and stateless people worldwide even through low cost culturally responsive programs and practices, thus enriching the local environment. He went further to appeal to other countries to fulfill their pledges while commending countries like Canada and Brazil for their leading role in implementing the Meaningful Refugee Participation Pledge. Hence giving access to the vulnerable people to be heard and considered before, during and after policies and project implementation. He ended with a mind blowing question that kept the hall silent for a while. He asked " What is that one specific action that you will take to ensure that the voices of refugees and stateless people are heard in your organizations, foundations and governments" He paid a capacity sharing moments with an RLO in Nairobi Kenya called Umoja Refugee Unity Creative Community center where he was taken through their various activities and they both shared their experiences that had to do with mission, and vision, obstacles, challenges and how they are overcoming them in their various organizations. It was a very fruitful deliberation with the staff and some of the beneficiaries that were on the spot. On that same 19/11/2024, he visited another RLO called Youth Voices in Nairobi Kenya still after a brief meeting at the conference hall with the staff, he was taken round their areas of training such as ICT, language, advocacy and they came back to the conference hall again where they shared their experiences that dwell on their strengths and weaknesses and how they are battling with the weaknesses.

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Our mission is to empower lives for greatness.
Our vision is to prepare a better living environment for refugees and their host communities.

Refugee Led Organization Network( RELON) Nigeria, African Refugee Led Network (ARN), Global Compact on Refugee Network

Contact Person: Cheng Laban Ndoh

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Second Contact Person: Sandra Obok

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Additional location: Adagom 1 Refugee Settlement Ogoja- Cross River,Nigeria
